Enhanced Games https://enhanced.org/ Sun, 09 Jun 2024 22:49:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 https://enhanced.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/cropped-favicon-32x32.png Enhanced Games https://enhanced.org/ 32 32 A New Horizon for Athletes: Enhanced Games Call for Reform Amidst WADA’s Crisis of Trust https://enhanced.org/2024/04/22/wada-crisis/ Mon, 22 Apr 2024 14:28:34 +0000 https://enhanced.org/?p=8330 In light of the serious accusations from United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) CEO Travis Tygart against the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), alleging a politically-motivated cover-up and a catastrophic failure in the current anti-doping system, we at the Enhanced Games reiterate our stance: Reform is overdue.

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Enhanced Games President Call for Reform Amidst WADA's Crisis of Trust

A New Horizon for Athletes

Quotes attributable to Aron D’Souza, President of the Enhanced Games.

LONDON, 23 April, 2024 ––

“In light of the serious accusations from United States Anti-Doping Agency (USADA) CEO Travis Tygart against the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA), alleging a politically-motivated cover-up and a catastrophic failure in the current anti-doping system, we at the Enhanced Games reiterate our stance: Reform is overdue.

The most recent controversy to hit the world of sport involves 23 Chinese swimmers who, despite testing positive for the heart medication trimetazidine due to contamination before the Tokyo Olympics, were exonerated by the China Anti-Doping Agency and subsequently won six medals. This incident, marked by serious allegations of concealment by USADA, underscores the urgent need for an overhaul in sports governance.

For too long, the anti-doping regime has been marred by inefficacy and scandal, undermining the integrity of sports and betraying the trust of athletes worldwide. The recent revelations by USADA marks not just a crack but a chasm in the fortress of WADA, signalling a system on the brink of dysfunction.

The Enhanced Games are championing a revolutionary approach to sports, where cutting-edge science and performance enhancements align with the evolution of athletics. We offer a dual-pathway future where the Olympics could celebrate natural talent, and the Enhanced Games could safely showcase enhanced performance.

This isn’t just an alternative; it’s a complementary solution, a harmonious existence for the natural and the enhanced athlete, bolstered by transparent, effective drug testing and open collaboration.

Our call to WADA, USADA, and the IOC is unequivocal: support the creation of this parallel system, embrace innovation, and protect sports integrity. We have extended our olive branch and stand ready to share data and strategies to refurbish a decaying establishment. The Enhanced Games are not just another competition; we are the beacon of progress, the stage where those who have been pushed to the shadows can shine openly.

We invite WADA to join us in setting a new standard, one that will elevate the entire sporting community to unprecedented heights of excellence and trust.

In the wake of impending scandals and as the media’s spotlight intensifies, this moment — this lightbulb moment — must not be wasted. The Enhanced Games are here, the counterbalance the world has been waiting for, and we will relentlessly drive towards a future where sports are safer, fairer, and more thrilling than ever before.” –– Dr Aron Ping D’Souza, President of the Enhanced Games

About The Enhanced Games

The Enhanced Games are the definitive scientific, cultural and sporting movement that aims to safely evolve mankind into a new superhumanity. Backed by a coalition of visionary athletes, pioneering scientists, astute investors, and a growing legion of fans, the Enhanced Games redefines competitive athleticism with enhancement and a focus on safety through health testing.

For more information, visit enhanced.org.

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The First Conference on Human Enhancement https://enhanced.org/2024/03/27/the-first-conference-on-human-enhancement/ Thu, 28 Mar 2024 03:44:10 +0000 https://enhanced.org/?p=7964 Convened at the House of Lords, the Conference explored the future of human enhancement and performance science, an

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The First Conference on Human Enhancement

Medical science should be so much more than curing catastrophic disease. Science and technology can enable healthy individuals to be stronger, younger and more productive for longer. The Conference on Human Enhancement is the first high-level meeting in support of performance enhancements and anti-aging technology.

Dr Aron D’Souza

President of The Enhanced Games

The First Conference on Human Enhancement at the House of Lords

On the 27th of February 2024, the Enhanced Games hosted the First Conference on Human Enhancement at the House of Lords, the United Kingdom’s upper chamber of governance.

Sponsored by the kind invitation of the Lord Stone of Blackheath, the conference convened 45 leading scientists, clinicians, thought-leaders, academics, entrepreneurs, government officials, and investors – including individuals from or previously associated with the Olympics, the Human Engineering Research Laboratories, the Rejuvenation Olympics, and Bryan Johnson’s Blueprint – and discussed the present realities and near-future of human enhancement and longevity, and how sports can be made safer for all athletes, regardless of enhancement status.

Performance Medicine: A New Paradigm

Currently, the medical industry is centered around a curative model – in which only patients who are critically ill are treated. “The NHS is a disease management apparatus designed to take sick people and make them not sick” stated Dr Aron D’Souza, “it’s not even designed to make people healthy”.

Performance medicine, and human enhancement more broadly, is a proposed paradigmatic shift – in which one’s health is optimised, or ‘enhanced’, as measured and tracked by key biomarkers. This way, potential illness is treated as – or even before – it becomes a critical threat, thus reducing the pressure on hospitals, and the curative health system more broadly.

Economic Impact

One only needs to look at Denmark and the contribution of Ozempic to the country’s GDP to know that performance medicine and anti-ageing technology will be the greatest economic drivers of the 21st Century. 

Moreover, it is estimated that adding one year of life expectancy is worth $38 trillion for the global economy, whereas AI is forecast to only contribute $10 trillion in the next decade. Each year we win back is equivalent to 3.8 AI revolutions.

The UK as a Global Player: Looking Towards the Future

Despite the promise of this novel sector, the UK is lagging behind the rest of the world – an expert at the conference even going as far as to say it’s not even a player.

Taking place at the heart of British democracy, this Conference on Human Enhancement represents a possible future for the UK; one that rectifies its mistakes of the past: “Britain led the world in the internet in the 1990s, and AI in the early 2000s.” Dr Aron D’Souza explained. “However, the UK lost out on all the economic growth due to short-sighted policies and the inability to retain talent.”

The Conference on Human Enhancement wants to break this pattern, proposing a two-pronged approach to tackle both the systemic and regulatory challenges:

A Minister for Human Enhancement

From a systemic perspective, institutional space and conversations need to be carved out in order to address this emerging sector. A proactive approach is required by the UK, rather than retroactive compensation – a “Minister for AI” was only recently appointed, a move that was done five years too late.

As such, a “Minister for Human Enhancement” is proposed as a necessary first step for the UK government to adapt to and have its citizens benefit from this new era of science and technology.

Bodily Autonomy: Following Suit From the Financial World

From a regulatory perspective, a concept exists within the financial world known as the “accredited investor threshold” – individuals above a certain wealth, education, or work experience are granted the ability to invest in unregulated financial products.

This empowerment of consumers within the financial services has enabled innovation, as ‘riskier’ investments (start-ups) are unhampered by the slow and rigid confines of having to repeat what has been done before.

This structural protection model could be applied to consumers of scientific products – by maximising the choices for medically supervised care and informed consenting consumers, scientific innovation is just as possible.

Conclusions and Retrospective

While this conference was a leap forward for the science and movement of human enhancement, it is only the first of many necessary steps.

Thanks to our invaluable community of brave and free-thinking world leaders, the Enhanced Games is committed to making this the world’s premier conference on Human Enhancement and bringing in the UK as a formidable and global player.

Science is real. A better future is possible.

Media Articles and Further Reading

More about the Conference can be read in the articles written in the following publications:


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President Responds to the White House’s “Deep Concerns” https://enhanced.org/2024/03/18/white-house-response/ Mon, 18 Mar 2024 17:33:58 +0000 https://enhanced.org/?p=7556 Enhanced Games President offers olive branch to the World Anti-Doping Agency

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Biden's "Deep Concerns" Over the Enhanced Games The Enhanced Games' Response to the White House

Enhanced Games respond to White House “Deep Concern”; Invite Collaboration with IOC

  • The Enhanced Games respond to “deep concern” comments
    from the White House with a pledge to unwavering commitment to fairness in sports competition, supported by rigorous science.
  • Invites IOC/Olympics to join a science-based partnership with the Enhanced Games.
  • Fully support President Biden’s goal of a natural Olympics – which the Enhanced Games make more achievable.

March 18, 2024 – In response to the recent statement by the White House expressing “deep concern” about the Enhanced Games and President Biden’s aspirations for a natural and honest Olympic Games, the Enhanced Games affirm its essential role in creating a fair environment for Olympic athletes in any competition they might choose to participate.

Of crucial note are recent scientific findings, including research commissioned and funded by the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) itself, which underscore the existing prevalence of performance enhancements among elite athletes. This data, originally published in the Journal of Sports Medicine in 2018, uncovered that a staggering 44% of elite athletes had utilized banned performance enhancements within the past year.

Dr Michael Sagner, MD, scientific advisor to the Enhanced Games, emphasized, “Whilst the aim of an enhancement-free Olympics is a noble one, it is not and has never been true. Olympic drug testing is ineffective and full of loopholes. This is also partly because they do not have baseline clinical data on elite athletes using performance enhancements. The Enhanced Games, with our medical oversight and screening apparatus, will create this unique data which will benefit not only the tested sports community but also Longevity Science in general as many compounds can be repurposed to combat illnesses such as frailty which are endemic in modern society.”

The Enhanced Games pledge to share all data created on an anonymised basis with the Olympics, so that the IOC can finally develop effective tests, thereby making their competition truly fair and natural.

It is furthermore notable that research conducted by Professor David Nutt at Imperial College London and published in The Lancet confirms that performance enhancements pose significantly less health risk than commonly accepted substances like alcohol, tobacco, and cannabis.

In a bid to foster informed discourse, the Enhanced Games extend an invitation to the IOC and the White House to engage in collaborative dialogue, just as the British Parliament did by convening the First Conference on Human Enhancement in collaboration with the Enhanced Games last month.

Dr Aron D’Souza, President of the Enhanced Games, said, “President Biden, please trust the science and recognize that the Olympics will never be clean until there is an Enhanced Games. This is why we are offering to cooperate with the IOC and the White House in order to make the Olympics truly clean, natural and fair. The Enhanced Games are no competition to the Olympics, but an entirely new event which is very complementary and has an important place in a science-based society.”

Dr D’Souza adds: “We urge President Biden to engage with the Enhanced Games on what is an inevitable evolution in sports. As a champion of science, President Biden has the opportunity to help the 44% of athletes who have used performance enhancements to come out and safely compete. Only with a formal partnership between the IOC and Enhanced Games, can Olympics drug testing finally be effective and ensure the integrity of their games.”

For more on the topic of human enhancement, please read the opinion piece of Enhanced Games Co-Founder and lead investor Christian Angermayer: https://christianangermayer.substack.com/p/the-future-is-enhanced


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Seed Funding: Media Articles https://enhanced.org/2024/02/01/seed-funding-peter-thiel/ Thu, 01 Feb 2024 11:37:21 +0000 https://enhanced.org/?p=6833 Peter Thiel and Christian Angermayer Fund the Enhanced Games.

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Seed Funding: Media Attention

Global Media Attention

On the 30th of January 2024, the Enhanced Games announced the closing of its Series Seed funding round with the participation of leading venture capitalists including Christian Angermayer’s Apeiron Investment Group, PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel, and former Coinbase CTO Balaji Srinivasan. 

Since then, the announcement of the multi-million dollar round (which gives Enhanced the financial foundations to deliver a world-class sporting event) has been covered by more than 30 news article, including Forbes, Business Insider and The Independent.

If you would like to interview the President of the Enhanced Games, please contact us on our Media Enquiries page.

Billionaire PayPal cofounder Peter Thiel has invested in a drug-friendly sports contest styled as a “modern reinvention of the Olympic Games”.

Robert Hart



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Seed Funding Announcement https://enhanced.org/2024/01/29/seedfundingannouncement/ Mon, 29 Jan 2024 16:01:22 +0000 https://enhanced.org/?p=6671 We are pleased to announce the closing of our Series Seed funding round.

The multi-million dollar round gives Enhanced the financial foundations to deliver a world-class sporting event.

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Seed Funding Announcement

Venture capitalists Christian Angermayer, Peter Thiel and Balaji Srinivasan join funding for the Enhanced Games, the 21st Century Olympics without drug testing.

30 January 2024, London –– The Enhanced Games, the modern reinvention of the Olympic Games that does not have drug testing, is pleased to announce the closing of its Series Seed funding round with the participation of leading venture capitalists including Christian Angermayer’s Apeiron Investment Group, PayPal co-founder Peter Thiel, and former Coinbase CTO Balaji Srinivasan. 

The multi-million dollar round gives Enhanced the financial foundations to deliver a world-class sporting event. “The Enhanced Games is pleased to have the support of Christian, Peter, Balaji and all our other investors. They see the vision of a new model of sports, that openly celebrates scientific innovation and honestly represents the use of performance enhancements in sports today”, said Aron D’Souza, President of the Enhanced Games. “Unlike the Olympic Games, Enhanced believes that excellence deserves to be rewarded. Support from the world’s leading venture capitalists enables us to create the structures that pay athletes fairly.”

“Contemporary drug testing practised in sports today is not necessarily about athlete safety; it often skews the public perception of fairness and health in competitive sports. Enhanced will be adopting a sophisticated safety protocol which puts the athlete’s health first – including comprehensive health checks before and after competitions. As well as advanced screening to check for pre-existing conditions, for example, cardiac risk,” said Dr Michael Sagner, MD, of King’s College London and a member of the Scientific and Medical Advisory Commission of the Enhanced Games.

With private-sector funding and incentives, the Enhanced Games aims to deliver a profitable event without burdening taxpayers. “By focusing on world records in popular sports such as track and field, swimming, gymnastics, weight lifting and combat sports, we can eliminate wasteful infrastructure spending and reinvest to fairly pay all athletes,” said D’Souza. 

Christian Angermayer, a pioneer in the biotech, longevity and mental health sectors, who, in addition to his investment, joins the Enhanced Games as a co-founder declared, “I was instantly drawn to Enhanced Games’ forward-thinking ethos and its alignment with many elements of my own vision for the Next Human Agenda. Its core mission centres on building a platform that not only improves the safety and fairness of competition but also stimulates scientific breakthroughs and nurtures human advancement. The Enhanced games will undoubtedly inspire the public’s imagination and reinforce the profound impact of science on human progress.” 

“Just as the ancient Olympics were revived and renovated in 1896 for the Victorian world, the Enhanced Games is once again renovating the Olympic model for the twenty-first century. In the era of accelerating technological and scientific change, the world needs a sporting event that embraces the future, particularly advances in medical science,” said D’Souza.

More information is available at Enhanced.org. Follow @enhanced_games on X for real-time updates.

Dr Aron D’Souza is the President of the Enhanced Games. He read law at Oxford University and has a PhD in intellectual property law. 

Christian Angermayer is a German serial entrepreneur and investor. Christian is committed to building a future in which technology empowers people to live longer, healthier and happier lives through his focus on the “Next Human Agenda.” See https://apeiron-investments.com/

Peter Thiel is a German-American billionaire entrepreneur and venture capitalist. Thiel co-founded Founders Fund, PayPal and Palantir Technologies, and was the first outside investor in Facebook.

Dr Michael Sagner, MD, is an advisor on Ageing Research at the Faculty of Life Sciences & Medicine at King’s College London,  Director of the European Society of Preventive Medicine and a member of the Scientific and Medical Advisory Commission of the Enhanced Games.

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Launch News Articles https://enhanced.org/2023/11/28/launch-news-articles/ Tue, 28 Nov 2023 10:19:18 +0000 https://enhanced.org/?p=6363 Since the 20th of June, 2023, 580 media articles have been written about the Enhanced Games, globally.

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Launch News Articles

Setting a really interesting challenge for sporting competition.

Michele Verroken

Founding Director, Sporting Integrity
Medical Commission Member, Commonwealth Games Federation


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Honest Sports https://enhanced.org/2023/11/27/honest-sports/ Mon, 27 Nov 2023 07:47:41 +0000 https://enhanced.org/?p=6340 The drug testing program enforced by the Olympics and the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) is oppressive and ineffective. What’s worse, it’s dishonest.

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Honest Sports

Doping appears remarkably widespread among elite athletes, and remains largely unchecked despite current biological testing.

The drug testing program enforced by the Olympics and the World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) is oppressive and ineffective. What’s worse, it’s dishonest.


The Olympic Games aren’t as ‘drug-free’ as many would claim them to be. Whilst most athletes make best efforts to comply with the WADA code of conduct, a significant proportion of athletes take WADA-noncompliant enhancements, supplements, and medications. Indeed, a 2011 WADA commissioned study (granting guaranteed anonymity to respondents) found that 43.6% of ‘WADA-compliant’ elite athletes had used banned supplements in the past year, commenting that “doping appears remarkably widespread among elite athletes”.


Under WADA’s current system, all athletes (even minors) need to be able to provide blood and urine samples at any given point in time, without notice. Athletes must continually provide their location, notifying WADA of their ‘whereabouts’. Whilst we understand the sentiment behind this Orwellian practice, we believe that athletes have a right to privacy and bodily autonomy. (Source: WADA’s ISTI Guidelines for Sample Collection.)


Further undermining WADA’s drug testing program is its ineffectiveness. A 2022 report commissioned by WADA and conducted by Prof. James Skinner of Loughborough University found that “anti-doping policies are not implemented consistently across nations”, as “the depth of policy implementation and compliance varies significantly between [WADA] Code signatories”. 

Jamaica’s failed drug-testing regime is a powerful case study for the inconsistent implementation of the Olympics’ WADA-compliance. Renee-Anne Shirley, formerly the executive director of the Jamaican Anti-Doping Commission (Jadco), disclosed in 2013 that “only a single out-of-competition test had been conducted by Jadco between March and July before the London Olympics”. (Source: The Independent.)

It may be of interest to note that Olympians competing for Jamaica have won 86 medals in track & field athletics, and that the current ‘natural’ world record for the 100 metre sprint was set by a member of the Jamaican Olympic team, with the WADA regulations enforced by Jadco. As the drug-testing program for members of the Jamaican Olympic team is significantly worse than the testing program enrolled by wealthier countries (like the United States and Australia), global competitions like the Olympics are inherently unfair.

It is time for the sports world to seriously reconsider its stance on performance enhancements.

2011 World Athletics Championship

2011 The Arab Games

Estimated prevalence of past-year doping by ‘WADA-compliant’ elite athletes.

Source: 2018 WADA-Commissioned Survey
Doping in Two Elite Athletics Competitions


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World’s Fastest Man https://enhanced.org/2023/06/14/fastestman/ Wed, 14 Jun 2023 13:24:21 +0000 https://enhanced.org/?p=4769 Can Usain Bolt's world record be broken? Find out at the first Enhanced Games.

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The Fastest Man in the World

He is the fastest man in the world. He has broken Usain Bolt’s 100m record. He has unlocked his body’s true athletic potential.


But, the world isn’t ready for him. The Olympics hate him.

He has been vilified. He will be vindicated.


Are you ready to help him? To fight for him?

Come watch him compete at the 2024 Enhanced Games.


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The Values of the Enhanced Movement https://enhanced.org/2023/06/07/values/ Wed, 07 Jun 2023 09:14:08 +0000 https://enhanced.org/?p=4023 The values of the Enhanced Movement

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The Values of the Enhanced Movement


Every individual, from athletes and leaders to fans and viewers, knows that it takes courage to be part of the Movement. Only strong people are part of our movement.

Because we embrace courage, we reject weakness.

The Future

We always look towards the future. We embrace change and support scientific research to enable human potential.

Because we embrace the future, we reject Luddism.


Adults, with free and informed consent, have full automy over their bodies and minds. The Enhanced Movement does everything it can to defend this most important of rights.

Because we embrace liberty, we reject control.


We reject the kleptocracy of so-call “not-for-profit” sports federations. We embrace capitalism as central to everything we do and strive to be maximally efficient in our operations. Excellence, particularly athletic excellence, deserves to be rewarded.
Because we embrace capitalism, we reject corruption.


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